Voyage Voices

Voyage Voices

The Impact of Behaviour Codes and Policing in London Schools

The Voyage Police Accountability Group have been making waves in the community. Their mission is to reform police-community relationships and improve support for young people.

At the heart of their efforts lies a commitment to dialogue. The Voyage Police Accountability Group recognises that meaningful change begins with open conversation. They’ve appointed an academic researcher to help them conduct comprehensive research to capture the real-life experiences of young people in school.

The lived experiences of young individuals provide invaluable insights. By actively listening to these voices, we can influence policies, practices, and perception in a way that empowers the next generation. These young voices carry the seeds of change, and nurturing them ensures a brighter future for us all.

One critical aspect of their work involves understanding behaviour codes. These unwritten rules govern how young people interact with authority figures in their schools, which has cascading knock-on effects that influence how they interact with authority figures outside of school, primarily police officers, below we explore some of the impacts of these policies:

  1. Compliance: Young individuals are often advised to comply with authority figures, even if they feel uncomfortable or unjustly treated. This compliance can sometimes lead to silence or acceptance of unfair treatment.
  2. Fear and Anxiety: Fear of consequences—whether real or perceived—can influence behaviour. Young people may alter their actions to avoid arrest, confrontation, or negative outcomes.
  3. Navigating Stereotypes: Stereotypes about race, gender, and socioeconomic status play a role. Young people may modify their behaviour to counter these stereotypes or avoid triggering them.

The Voyage Police Accountability Group aims to decode these behaviour patterns and challenge any biases or stereotypes that may exist. By doing so, they strive to foster a more equitable and just relationship between young individuals and law enforcement, ultimately promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change within our communities.

All young individuals are welcome to participate in their survey - Click here to answer. By sharing their experiences, young people contribute to a growing body of knowledge. Discussions provide a safe space for dialogue, where stories are heard, validated, and amplified.

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