Voyage’s Journey of becoming a Young Leader
Our diverse and inclusive variety of prgrammes mean that young people are supported through each stage of development.
Stage 1: Discovery
We help young people discover and develop their talents and key skills so that they can reach their true potential. We allow our young people to hone their skills and explore how they can capitalize their talents to lead to success.
Stage 2: Participation
We encourage our young people to make individual and meaningful contributions during our programmes to assist their learning and increase their confidence. This also allows us to measure their progress
Stage 3: Collaboration
Teamwork skills are key to success in our Voyage programmes. Our young people undertake multiple projects together and take part in multiple team building exercises to strengthen their relationships with each other.
Stage 4: Lead
We equip our young people with the skills and experience they need to be leaders of the future and to encourage their peers and those in their communities to strive for greatness.
Our developmental steps provide a complementary framework enabling young people to excel in their schools, homes and communities whilst building confidence, emotional intelligence.
Our transformative work experience’s harness CVs, personal statements and present our young as competitive, unique and exemplary. Our young leaders progress towards red brick and international universities
Our Impact at a glance
Of our Young Leaders 2022 graduates enrolled in university and accepted offers
Of Young Leaders recorded significantly raised attainment levels at school or college
Of Young Leaders have elevated voices and have participated in community events and structures