Journey of a Young Leader
Journey of a young leader

Voyage’s Journey of becoming a Young Leader

Our diverse and inclusive variety of prgrammes mean that young people are supported through each stage of development.


“I feel like teachers dont listen to what we have to say and it gets us aggravated. I feel like one of the tutors presented it to me it made me feel like I can be part of like a family, that you will be welcomed and people will understand what I am going through. Feeling part of a family is something that drew me in. The staff and the team are incredible people. They are great positives for Voyage and I feel like if we didn’t have the amount of support we receive from the team it wouldn’t be as effective. With the knowledge I got from them, I can how that I’m not just a (black) girl I am knowledgeable and I can tell people about the things I wand to be changed. I just want to be in a position where I can make change. This programme has helped direct me.”

Dorcas, 16
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I live in a ‘diverse’ community but no one wants to get to know each other which is really stressful. I’m stereotyped because I am black and female and African. When I’m put in these situations I need to understand how to deal with the stigmas around black people. Especially the stereotype of young black boys I have a little brother and it worries me a lot I have to tell him not to do certain things to keep him safe which causes a lot of unnecessary stress. Voyage helped me a lot and I can educate other people if I see someone in an unjust situation.”

Peace, 17
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“Now I really want to go in to the medical field. When Street Doctors came, it made me like it really more and I want to be a doctor.”

Timmy, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“When they teach you something, they will always bring in a guest speaker. You’re not just gonna sit here an be on your computer.”

Thomas, 14
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“Thanks to the “Know Your Rights” workshop, I learned that if police officers aren’t in uniform, they have to show a warrant card. In the past if anyone had showed me something that looked like a badge, I probably wouldn’t know the difference.”

Divine, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“One of the biggest things I see in my area is the pressure to be in Gangs. I see a lot of this because young people have nothing to do when they are kicked out of schools. When I joined Voyage, the team pushed me to do even better than I was doing. The advice they gave us was about not following friends and living up to stereotypes that are around about black people. I feel like schools don’t teach you that.”

Rachel, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“Knowledge, experience, places you visits and the people you meet. It’s really empowering and I know so much more!”

Anastasia, 16
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“Voyage gives young people amazing experiences that have the power to transform mindsets and reset futures. Im so grateful for being involved and for the amazing projects and programmes I have been a part of. Big Up Voyage.”

Damilola, 16
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“The Voyage team really make you think about our lives, fears and the choices we make. I am forever grateful for Voyage coming into my life. I see things differently now.”

Shama, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

"I joined Voyage because the team inspired me to think differently about myself, my community and my future. The team reflect my ideal version of what my education should look like.”

Reuben, 17
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I loved the residential. It was great way to begin because it was an ice breaker. We weren’t really with our friends, we were with new people and so it helped us form a new relationships. When I first came it was daunting but everyone was really nice!.”

Mateenah, 17
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I wanted to be part of Voyage because I was curious about what it could provide for me and what I could give back to my community in return. I learned about Stop and Search laws and now I want to advise people about what to do when they feel like they are unfairly stopped by the police.”

Fola, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“One thing I will take away from Voyage is that everyone has a talent and a skill but you just need to learn how to embrace it and you shouldn’t hide it away from people if you’re embarrassed. I also learned to welcome other people’s ideas.”

Marcus, 18
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I felt really inspired when the Voyage team came into my school Immediately it seemed like ME and THEM! The way they talked and held themselves with confidence. I wanted that to be me. I really liked the staff team. It felt like a family thing. If I have a problem, I fell like I could go to any of the tutors.”

Casano, 16
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I felt really inspired when the Voyage team came into my school Immediately it seemed like ME and THEM! The way they talked and held themselves with confidence. I wanted that to be me. I really liked the staff team. It felt like a family thing. If I have a problem, I fell like I could go to any of the tutors.”

Casano,  16
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“One thing I will take away from Voyage is that everyone has a talent and a skill but you just need to learn how to embrace it and you shouldn’t hide it away from people if you’re embarrassed. I also learned to welcome other people’s ideas.”

Marcus, 18
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

“I wanted to be part of Voyage because I was curious about what it could provide for me and what I could give back to my community in return. I learned about Stop and Search laws and now I want to advise people about what to do when they feel like they are unfairly stopped by the police.”

Fola, 15
Yoyage Youth Testimonial

Stage 1: Discovery

We help young people discover and develop their talents and key skills so that they can reach their true potential. We allow our young people to hone their skills and explore how they can capitalize their talents to lead to success.

Stage 2: Participation

We encourage our young people to make individual and meaningful contributions during our programmes to assist their learning and increase their confidence. This also allows us to measure their progress

Stage 3: Collaboration

Teamwork skills are key to success in our Voyage programmes. Our young people undertake multiple projects together and take part in multiple team building exercises to strengthen their relationships with each other.

Stage 4: Lead

We equip our young people with the skills and experience they need to be leaders of the future and to encourage their peers and those in their communities to strive for greatness.

Our developmental steps provide a complementary framework enabling young people to excel in their schools, homes and communities whilst building confidence, emotional intelligence.

Our transformative work experience’s harness CVs, personal statements and present our young as competitive, unique and exemplary. Our young leaders progress towards red brick and international universities

Our Impact at a glance



Of our Young Leaders 2022 graduates enrolled in university and accepted offers


Of Young Leaders recorded significantly raised attainment levels at school or college


Of Young Leaders have elevated voices and have participated in community events and structures

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