"Windrush Elders: Our Memories” is a heartfelt compilation of stories and experiences from the Windrush generation. It was developed by Voyage in partnership with the Black Cultural Archives and the African Caribbean Leadership Company (ACLC). The project aimed to empower young black leaders through community volunteering and to document the individual stories and journeys of Caribbean elders who migrated to the UK.
The document highlights the ACLC’s efforts in Haringey, London, to provide a culturally sensitive space for Caribbean people, offering counselling, health services, and education. It features an Elders’ Lunch Club, a voluntary effort to support participants with healthy meals, social interaction, and essential activities.
Personal narratives from several elders are shared, recounting their migration experiences, challenges faced, and contributions to British society. These stories reflect on the elders’ resilience, the cultural shock of moving to the UK, their work life, and the racism they encountered. The report also emphasizes the importance of the younger generation understanding the impact of Caribbean migration to the UK.
The project culminated in the creation of a book filled with biographical testimonies, aiming to ensure that the sacrifices and achievements of the Windrush elders are not forgotten. The document serves as a tribute to the strength and spirit of the Windrush generation and their significant role in shaping British cultural and social history.
15 young individuals from Voyage were appointed to serve in a variety of pivotal roles. These young people, selected for their enthusiasm and commitment to community heritage, took on the roles of oral history interviewers and curators, playing a crucial role in preserving the history and stories of the Windrush generation.
Their involvement went beyond mere documentation; they provided invaluable support to the elders, facilitating conversations that bridged generational divides and fostered a deeper understanding of the elders’ experiences. This initiative not only honoured the legacy of the Windrush generation but also cultivated a sense of purpose and connection among the youth, empowering them to carry forward the stories and lessons of resilience and courage that define their the history of their communities.